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Induss SoftWerks: Industries Software Werks Company
 Data Analyzers
 >> Pattern Analyzers
 >> Data Surface Analyzers
 >> Data-Statistics Analyzers

Data Analyzers

Data-Surface Analyzer

Data surface analysis by SoftWerks Data Surface Analyzers - one product of the trio of Data Analyzers of the company -  enables the evaluation of both the global and local characteristics of data-heaps. Often the analysis of data heaps by Expert Systems requires the determination of some sort of convergence point and choice of tool for enabling the determination actually depends on whether or not such convergence points actually exists. Knowing in advance whether or not such convergence points exist sometimes is accomplished with data surface analysis. Effectively, the data is provided a geometric surface and the surface analyzed for surface properties and based on the using tools of manifold and differential geometry to elicit the data internal structure analysis.

Discovery of patterns in data often time involves the use of the right tool or method for the right data heap, and while the right tool is never really known apriori, the Data surface analysis enables the recomposition of the penalty costs being used in a data pattern analysis.


Data Surface Analyzer Models
The Data Surface Analyzer is available in three models:

Convergent Structure & Flow Edition
Convergent Evolution Edition
Convergent Computed Data Edition

These models are also offered in two formats: Standard and Big Data formats.

Distributed software applications and remarkably  aided with memory partitioning, the software  particularly suitable for centralized multi-location multi-seat data pattern analyses, the SoftWerks Data Surface Analyzers also embody the Data Search Compiler to permit the rapid loading of data and Data Pattern Analyzers as well. The SoftWerks Pattern Analyzers consist of Clients Applications, and Data Services Manager; one server-side application-groups: Data Server System; and a Database Server with operations-specific database: The Records Database. The software communicates with the remote legacy systems through the Data Server which executes the database-specific Search-Module for performing the searches on the target database.

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