EfrinsenTM Companies Ltd
Manufacturing and assembling capability is provided to the company
for the PC-Servers and Appliances for supporting specialized
applications by the Alliance Partners, Efrinsen Companies; and the
products are particularly branded under the moniker of "SoftWerks" in
promotion of the brand the company had established since its
founding. The computers that are deployed with special software
with the "SoftWerks" brand also are deployed in the Computational Facility of the company
that is proffered for Cloud Computation Services.
As an Alliance Partner, GB-Analysts Companies - a group of
companies operating virtually independently - develops the
Mathematical Description, Solution techniques and Analysis of
socio-economic issues of concerns when required or contracted to
do so and consigns the knowledge base of such studies to the
company that is then used as a bases for developing software for the
specific issues, so addressed.
AningbaTM Scientific Research Company
Dedicated research and technology development companies, the
Alliance partner, Aningba R&D Companies (viz-a-viz Aningba
Scientific Research Company), generates
data experimentally and otherwise, and provides such data to the
company in addition to
developing Mathematical Description, Solution
Techniques and Analysis of scientific analyses endeavours of concerns
and consigns the
knowledge base of such analyses to the company for the
purposes of developing corresponding software for sustained
analyses of the scientific problem